About   CV

Shinae Kim

Akademie Background

2020 - current MA Berlin University of the Arts, Spaces of Communication, Berlin, Germany
2015 Diplom, Academy of fine arts Munich. Prof. Olaf Nicolai. Germany
2014  Meisterschülerin, Prof. Olaf Nicolai. 

2007 BFA, Department of Painting, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea

Exhibitions (selected)

Configuration-event, Hall1, Seoul, Korea
Spaces of animals, Universtät der Künste, Berlin, Germany

et cetera, Nanji Residency, Seoul museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Ever After, Nanji Residency, Seoul museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
PACK Fair 2024, Gonggan Wadiz, Seoul, Korea
Rally, Art Archives Seoul museum of Art, Seoul, Korea


Iridescent, Goyang artist residency MMCA, Goyang, Korea
Romantic Storage, SeMA storage, Seoul Musem of Art, Seoul, Korea (s)
Naji Access with Pack:Mbps, Seoul Musem of Art, Seoul, Korea
Slicing space, Seetang Raum, Jeju, Korea (s)


Morgen, Domäne Dahlem, Berlin, Germany
Nothing makes itself, arko art center, Seoul, Korea
Tales of Nature, Spaces of Communication online exhibition UDK, Berlin, Germany
Suspension of Disbelief, online exhibition in zeitguised studio, Berlin, Germany

airborne, lockdown pandemic project, Berlin, Germany
openstudio, nes artist residendy, skagastrond, Iceland
interrobang, pandemic project, Seoul, Korea

Kunst am Bau, TU Munich Elektro - Informationstechnik, Garching, Germany
Not Just Tiny But Abstract, OCI Museum, Seoul, Korea(s)
Koffer im Kopf, Museum Penzberg, Penzberg, Germany

Architecture of Skagen – Before and Now,
Skagen Odde Naturcenter, Skagen, Denmark

Spiele mit der Ewigkeit, grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany


Young art space, Karin Wimmer contemporary art, Munich, Germany(s)
one on one, Institution für Alles Mögliche, Berlin, Germany
Form of an Episode, Kunstraum Bogenhausen, Munich, Germany(s)
one on one, Koreanisches Kulturzentrum, Kulturabteilung der Botschaft der
Republik Korea, Berlin, Germany

Sunny Art Prize, Sunny art centre, London, UK 

New in paper, Seoul, Korea
4th "Amado Annualnale", Amado art space, Seoul, Korea 

Zimmerfrei, Hotel Mariandl, Munich, Germany
Conceptual, Karin Wimmer contemporary art, Munich, Germany

Umstülpung, Kunstraum Bogenhausen, Munich, Germany


upsidesidedown, Projectspace Sarubia, Seoul, Korea (s)
FookBair, Städelschule, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Debütantenförderung des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums
für Wissenschaft, 
forschung und Kunst. Berufsverband Bildender
Künstler München und 
Oberbayern e.V., Munich, Germany
Diplomausstellung, ADBK, Munich, Germany
You want to see more, come closer, Born collection,

Zwischenraum Kunstverein Kunstzeche, Penzberg, Germany 

True Lab, Gallery Eigen + art Lab, Berlin, Germany 

Die ersten Jahre der Professionalität und Debutanten,
Bildender Künstler München und Oberbayern e.V.,
Munich, Germany
Super+ Centercourt Gallery, 6:4,5:7,7:6 , Munich, Germany 

Die Masse, Born collection, Munich, Germany (s) 

Deine Geschichte interessiert mich nicht Jahresausstellung,
ADBK, Munich,

Onetwothreestraße 321, salonausstellung II Munich, Germany (s) 

48°09′04″ N 11°34′53″ E 29°49.28′ N 5°44.05′ W,
Akademiegalerie, Munich, 
Germany (s)
Gleisdreieck, Kunstarkaden, Munich. Germany 

Keine Geschichte Interessiert mich nicht, 
Akademiegalerie, Munich, Germany
Superimposed pages, Zimmergalerie, Munich, Germany (s)
Jahresgaben, Kunstverein München, Munich, Germany

Creating a context, collaboration with Neon Gallery, Bologna, Italy
Visual Ordernity, Weltraum, Munich, Germany (s)
Wide Open School, Olaf Nicolai and students, 
Hayward Gallery, London, 
VARIÉTÉ LIBERTÉ 2012,Frauengefängnis Neudeck in der Au,
Munich, Germany 

Zwei Sonnen, raum02, Mühldorf,  Germany (s) 

Artionale 2011, Evangelischen Studentengemeinde LMU, Munich, Germany

Young At Art, GalerieART Seefeld, Zürich, Switzerland 

Artist Residency and workshop,scholarship

Fund for Supporting artistic creativity, Seoul foundation for arts and culture, Seoul Korea

SeMA Nanji Residency, Seoul museum of art, Seoul, Korea

Art and technology fund, Art council Korea, Korea
Goyang Artist Residency, National Museum of Modern and contemporary art, Goyang, Korea 
Selected emersing artist, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

Nes Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Iceland 
supported by Arts council Korea 

Kunst am Bau, Technical University, nominated, Germany
Songeun art prize, shortlisted, Seoul, Korea
BEERS London, longlisted, London, UK 
Aesthetica art prize, round two,York, UK

2019 OCI Young Creatives, selected, Seoul, Korea
Songeun art prize, shortlisted, Seoul, Korea 

Artist residency, ONSDAGSSKOLEN, Skagen Odde Naturcenter,

Promotion of young artists, Project space Sarubia, Seoul, Korea,

Promotion of young artists, Debütantenpreis, Bayerisches
Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst

Katalogföderung, LfA Förderbank Bayern2, Munich, Germany
